
March 27, 2015 |
By Gary McCarthy
Read by Gene Engene

Sodbusters are about equal to farm animals on the social scale of the ranching community of Wyoming in the 1870's. Zach and Carrie Bennett, teen-aged children of that wretched class, are determined to escape the scorn. They resolve to trek to Texas on foot. They are babes on the prairie, ignorant of the geography and hostility. This incredible journey through the lawless West reveals human nature at its most base, and unveils a capacity for violence the brother and sister never believed possible in themselves. But they also discover the other side of humanity.

By Joseph Conrad
Read by Gene Engene

This adventure story of the south seas is one of Conrad’s best known works. Jim is a young man who has chosen a career with the Merchant Marines. Early on he is tested by the sea and found wanting. His ship founders on the high seas and sinks. Disregarding the passengers, Jim, and the rest of the crew manage to escape in lifeboats. The passengers die with the ship. Haunted by his one act of cowardice Jim wanders from port to port in search of self-respect. He manages to redeem himself and earn the title of Lord Jim in a dangerous and exciting fashion. Like all of Conrad’s stories it begins a little slow but as the story unfolds the action builds to an exciting conclusion.
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